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Author Guidelines


Author Instructions 

The Tunisian Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (Tun J Sport Sci Med) editorial team extends a warm welcome and appreciates your decision to submit your manuscript to our journal. To ensure a seamless journey for your research paper through the peer-review and publication process, we kindly request your careful attention to the guidelines provided. These instructions are designed to assist you in meeting the journal's specific requirements and enhancing the overall presentation and quality of your manuscript.

Adhering to these guidelines is of utmost importance to facilitate a smooth process for both our reviewers and production team. We are committed to providing a positive experience as your work undergoes review and potential publication. Should you have any queries or require clarification on any aspect of these instructions, please feel free to reach out to our editorial office for assistance.

The Tun J Sport Sci Med team looks forward to receiving your valuable contributions and playing a part in advancing medical knowledge through your research.

About the Journal

The Tun J Sport Sci Med is an international, peer-reviewed journal that offers open access to its contents. We publish original research that is of high quality across a broad field of all sports science and sports medicine-related disciplines. Our commitment to a rigorous peer-review process ensures the integrity and quality of the research we publish.

As an open-access journal, the Tun J Sport Sci Med provides immediate, free access to all its articles, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge to a global audience that includes researchers, clinicians, and the general public. This policy supports the wider movement towards open science and adheres to the requirements of many funding bodies that advocate for open access to research outcomes.

It is important to note that the Tun J Sport Sci Med accepts submissions only in English to maintain consistency and accessibility.

Article Publishing Charge (APC)

The Tun J Sport Sci Med is committed to supporting authors and removing financial barriers to publication. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that there are no article publishing charges (APCs) for authors submitting their work to the journal. This means that all articles will be published free of charge, providing researchers with an opportunity to share their findings without the financial burden associated with many traditional publication models. By waiving APCs, the Tun J Sport Sci Med aims to encourage a diverse range of submissions from established researchers as well as early-career scientists. We believe that this approach will help to promote the widespread dissemination of high-quality medical research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. While the Tun J Sport Sci Med currently has a fully waived APC policy, we may consider reinstating fees in the future to ensure the long-term sustainability of the journal. However, we will always try to keep our publication costs reasonable and affordable, and we will continue to provide waivers and discounts to authors who may require financial assistance.

Peer Review and Ethics

Peer Review Process

At the Tun J Sport Sci Med, we are committed to ensuring that all published articles meet the highest standards of scientific and ethical integrity. We employ an open peer-review process, where the identities of both the authors and reviewers are disclosed to each other during the review process. This approach promotes transparency, accountability, and enhances the quality of our peer review.

All manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo a rigorous evaluation process. Initially, the editorial team reviews each submission to determine its suitability for publication. Manuscripts that meet our criteria are then sent to two or more independent experts in the field for peer review. Reviewers provide detailed feedback on the scientific quality, methodology, significance, and ethical aspects of the manuscript, recommending revisions or rejection as appropriate.

We aim to complete the peer review process within 1–2 weeks of submission, but this timeline may vary depending on the availability of reviewers and the complexity of the manuscript. The peer review may involve multiple rounds, depending on the feedback from the editors and reviewers.

For revisions, we encourage reviewers to provide constructive feedback that helps authors improve their work. We require authors to submit three documents when revising their manuscript:

  1. Point-by-Point Response: A detailed response to each of the reviewers' comments.
  2. Manuscript with Tracked Changes: A version of the manuscript that clearly shows all changes made since the previous submission.
  3. Clean Manuscript: A clean version of the revised manuscript with all changes incorporated.


Ethical Guidelines for Authors

The Tun J Sport Sci Med is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all aspects of its publishing activities. Authors submitting to the journal must ensure that their research adheres to international ethical standards and follows the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The key ethical requirements include:

  • Ethical Approval and Consent: For research involving human participants, animals, or potentially sensitive data, authors must obtain approval from the appropriate ethics committee or Institutional Review Board. A statement confirming such approval must be included in the Methods section of the manuscript. If ethical approval is not required (e.g., non-interventional studies like surveys), the rationale should be clearly stated. Additionally, for studies involving humans, authors must obtain informed consent, which should be reflected in the manuscript. All research involving human subjects must adhere to the ethical principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki.
  • Clinical Trials: Clinical trials should be registered in a recognized public trials registry at or before the time of first patient enrollment as a condition of consideration for publication. The trial registration number should be included in the abstract. For a list of recognized registries, please refer to the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP).
  • Competing Interests: Authors must disclose any financial or non-financial interests that could influence the interpretation of their manuscript. This declaration should be included in the manuscript under the heading "Competing Interests."
  • Data Availability and Materials: Authors should indicate how others can access the data and materials supporting their findings. If data or materials are not available, authors should clearly state the reason. This information should be included under the "Availability of Data and Materials" section.
  • Use of Animals and Humans: Studies involving animals must state that the guidelines of the relevant national or institutional guide to the care and use of laboratory animals were followed. For research involving human subjects, authors must ensure that all procedures were in line with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013.


Submitting Your Paper

The Tun J Sport Sci Med uses a submission platform to manage the peer-review process. If you are submitting a paper to this journal for the first time, you must create an account. Please review the guidelines mentioned above and proceed with the submission of your paper. It is important to note that Crossref™ is used by the Tun J Sport Sci Med to check papers for any unoriginal content. By submitting your paper, you agree to undergo originality checks during the peer-review and production processes. After your paper is accepted, it is recommended that you keep a copy of the Accepted Manuscript.

Preparing Your Paper

Authors submitting their work to the Tun J Sport Sci Med, including those in sports sciences and sports medicine, are expected to adhere to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (


Submission Checklist for the Tun J Sport Sci Med

When preparing your manuscript for submission to the Tun J Sport Sci Med, it is essential to follow this detailed organization to ensure a coherent presentation of your research:

  1. Title Page: Include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information for the corresponding author.
  2. Abstract: Submit a structured abstract summarizing the background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your study, typically not exceeding 300 words.
  3. Keywords: Provide 3 to 7 keywords to assist indexers and search engines in locating your paper.
  4. Main Text: Organize the main body of your manuscript into the following sections:
    • Introduction: Present the background and objectives of your study.
    • Materials and Methods: Detail your experimental design, materials, and procedures to allow replication.
    • Results: Describe your findings clearly, supported by necessary tables, graphs, and figures.
    • Discussion: Discuss the significance of your results and compare them with existing literature.
    • Limitations: Acknowledge any factors that might influence the interpretation of your results.
    • Conclusion: Highlight the main findings and their implications and suggest areas for further research.
  5. Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate: Indicate if ethics approval was required for the study and if consent was obtained. If not applicable, state so.
  6. Availability of Data and Materials: Describe how the data supporting your findings can be accessed. If not applicable, state so.
  7. Competing Interests: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest or state that there are none.
  8. Funding: Acknowledge your sources of financial support or state if there was none.
  9. Authors' Contributions: Detail the contributions of each author to the study.
  10. Acknowledgments: If applicable, acknowledge non-author contributions.
  11. Declaration: Include any additional declarations not covered elsewhere.
  12. References: List all references cited in your manuscript in Vancouver style.
  13. Appendices (if necessary): Include any supplementary material relevant to the main text.
  14. Tables with Captions: Place each table on a separate page with a corresponding caption.
  15. Figures and Figure Captions: Supply high-quality figures, each with a detailed caption listed separately at the end of the manuscript.

Word and Reference Limits

The Tun J Sport Sci Med has set specific word and reference limits for each type of article to ensure consistency and readability. Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript:

  1. Original Research:
    • Word Count: 3000-4500 words
    • References: Up to 40 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
  2. Narrative Review:
    • Word Count: 3500-5000 words
    • References: Up to 60 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
  3. Systematic Review:
    • Word Count: 4500-5000 words
    • References: Up to 60 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
  4. Editorial:
    • Word Count: 750-2500 words
    • References: Up to 10 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 3
  5. Clinical Trial:
    • Word Count: 3000-5000 words
    • References: Up to 50 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
    • Include trial registration numbers and ethical approval details.
  6. Perspective:
    • Word Count: 1000-3000 words
    • References: Up to 30 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 5
    • Provide insightful analysis or viewpoints on current trends or issues in the field.
  7. Opinion:
    • Word Count: 1000-2000 words
    • References: Up to 20 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 2
    • Focus on personal views or critiques related to current medical and health topics.
  8. Letters to the Editor:
    • Word Count: 500-1000 words
    • References: Up to 5 references
    • No tables or figures
    • Discuss recent articles published in the journal or important developments in the field.
  9. Commentary:
    • Word Count: 1000-2000 words
    • References: Up to 20 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 2
    • Address specific issues or themes, providing commentary that adds depth to the discussion.
  10. Case Report:
    • Word Count: 1500-3000 words
    • References: Up to 25 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 5
    • Detailed report of the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient.

For all submissions, please ensure that your manuscript includes a clear indication of the word count at the time of submission. This assists the editorial team in quickly assessing the suitability of your manuscript for the intended article type.

Please note that while these guidelines provide a clear framework for submissions, there may be instances where exceeding these limits is necessary. If during the peer review process, reviewers suggest that additional content is essential to enhance the clarity or comprehensiveness of the manuscript, we are open to accepting longer submissions. Authors should consider such feedback carefully and, if they agree with the reviewers' recommendations, may submit a revised manuscript that surpasses the stated limits. All such cases will be considered on their own merits, ensuring that the integrity and quality of the published research are maintained.


Using Third-Party Material

In accordance with the guidelines of the Tun J Sport Sci Med, it is mandatory to seek permission for the use of any third-party material in your manuscript. Limited use of short extracts of text and other materials for review and criticism purposes may be permissible without formal permission. However, if you plan to incorporate any material in your article that you do not hold the copyright for and that is not covered by this informal agreement, you must obtain written permission from the original copyright owner before submitting your manuscript.

Data Sharing Policy

In order to enhance transparency and reproducibility in research, authors are strongly encouraged to disclose and openly share the data that support the findings or analyses presented in their manuscript, provided that this does not infringe upon any privacy or security concerns of human subjects or other valid protections. To ensure long-term accessibility and preservation of the data, authors are further encouraged to deposit their dataset(s) in a recognized data repository that can assign a persistent digital identifier, preferably in the form of a digital object identifier (DOI) and provide a long-term preservation plan.

Authors are also expected to appropriately acknowledge and cite any data sets that were referenced in their article, and to provide a Data Availability Statement. During the submission process, authors will be asked whether there are any associated data sets and, if so, to provide the DOI, pre-registered DOI, hyperlink, or other persistent identifier associated with the data set(s). For authors who choose to provide a pre-registered DOI, they should be prepared to share the reviewer URL linked with their data deposit upon request from reviewers.

It is important to note that any data sets associated with the manuscript will not be formally peer-reviewed as part of the journal submission process. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the data. Any errors found in the data will be the sole responsibility of the data producers. By complying with these guidelines, authors can contribute to the promotion of open science and increase the trustworthiness of their research outcomes.

Plagiarism Policy

At the Tun J Sport Sci Med, we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and originality in all published research. To ensure the authenticity of manuscripts, we utilize Turnitin, a leading plagiarism detection software, to screen submissions. Our policy permits a maximum similarity index of 10%. Manuscripts exceeding this threshold may be subject to additional inspection, and authors may be asked to revise their content to reduce the plagiarism score.

AI Chatbots Usage Policy

The Tun J Sport Sci Med allows the use of AI chatbots for improving language clarity and generating initial ideas. However, the journal strictly prohibits the use of these technologies for writing substantial parts of the manuscript. To enforce this policy, we use advanced AI detection tools, such as Copyscape and Grammarly's AI detector, to examine submissions for significant AI-generated content. Manuscripts that contain more than 10% AI-generated content will be considered for rejection. This ensures that the contributions reflect the true expertise and individual insights of the authors, maintaining the academic integrity of the publication.


If you have any queries, please contact us.


Principal Contact

Dr. Ismail Dergaa;

High Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Kef, University of Jendouba, Kef, Tunisia.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
  • Make sure that you enter keywords one by one.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.